During our home school time art and tech lessons are optional However I encourage you to take part in some activities and show me your work. Every week I will post new lessons here. I will also add them to FaceBook for our kindergarten classes, and put them on Google Classroom for 1st-5th grades. If you have any questions for me you may contact me through either the kindergarten class Facebook page or Google Classroom.
You may also contact me at [email protected].
You may also contact me at [email protected].
I hope you all have a great summer. I have missed seeing all of your beautiful smiles in art/tech class, and can't wait to see you all in the fall. Please feel free to do any art/tech activities that I have posted over the summer. Scroll down on this page to see all of the activities that I had posted during online school, and you may also click on your grade level link in the menu on the left to see various tech class activities. If you create something from my lessons or something on your own and you would like to share it with me, please email me a picture of it at [email protected].
Week of June 8
Week of June 1
Week of May 26-29
Week of May 18-22
Week of May 11-15
Week of May 4-8
Choose an activity below for the week.
Choose an activity below for the week.
Week of April 27-May 1
Y5s, Kindergarten, and 1st grade click below for a lesson focused on the book, Put Me In the Zoo. Listen to the story, learn to draw, and choose from two online activities:
2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades click the link below to learn about creating typography art which is using words to create a picture.
Week of April 20-24: Click the following link to learn how to create a plate portrait!
Week of April 13-17: Draw a Rhyme Butterfly for Lower Elementary and Online Drawing with SketchPad for Upper Elementary
Week of April 6-10: Easter Egg or Found Object Art
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Week of March 23-27: Color Wheel Challenge
Week of March 16-20: Chameleon Activities or Joan Miro Activities